Feed Your Gut Health

Through a functional lens, let’s expand your nutrition and wellness through compassionate counsel!

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About Me

My name is Alexis Fitch and I am Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor. Where the functional piece to nutrition counseling comes into focus is in addressing the idea that the body is a whole system and that our nutrition and diet affect more than just our gut health. Your gut health IS your health. Your physical, mental, and emotional health are all connected to the gut. With functional nutrition I will be implementing a holistic approach while designing a nutrition plan tailored to your personal needs. Functional nutrition focuses on addressing the individuals root cause for their symptoms and illnesses, without applying the standard “quick fixes.” These “quick fixes” only mask and manage your symptoms. Our overall health is rooted in the gut, lifestyle, environment, and of course genetics. These four pieces are all interconnected! In order to help me begin helping others, please reach out with any questions and concerns and if you’d like to book a consultation please email me.

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